ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Copyright 2001 Kendor Music Inc. | Gregorian Christmas | Volume 21 Strings | |
2. | Ed Brown | Gregorian | Jump down | |
3. | Ed Brown | Gregorian | Jump down | |
4. | Ed Brown | Gregorian | Jump down | |
5. | Early Music America | Gregorian Chant | Radio Spots | |
6. | Dodo Veneziano | GREGORIAN TRUMPET | Delirium | |
7. | Rev. Ben Mayes | Gregorian Chant | Gregorian Chant | |
8. | X-Ray Dog | Gregorian Dream | | |
9. | Gregorian | Gregorian anthem | The Dark Side | |
10. | Rev. Ben Mayes | Gregorian Chant | Gregorian Chant | |
11. | The Ordinary Guy | 009-Gregorian-Brainsmatter | Brains Matter's Podcast | |
12. | Athanasius Schaefer | Gregorian Overdrive | Magnificat | |
13. | Armin Schimkat | Gregorian Voices | World Impressions | |
14. | Robert Powell | The sound of Gregorian chant | The History of Classical Music | |
15. | Robert Powell | The sound of Gregorian chant | The History of Classical Music | |
16. | The Recovering Choir Director | Gregorian Chant. CO. Panem de caelo | | |
17. | The Recovering Choir Director | Gregorian Chant. CO. Gustate et videte | | |
18. | Church Music Association of America: William P. Mahrt | Gregorian Chant Pilgrimage Lecture | Gregorian Chant Pilgrimage 2009 | |
19. | Gregoriana | Gregorian/Stivrina: Ecce sacerdos magnus | ARS NOVA Cassoviae | |
20. | The Recovering Choir Director | Gregorian chant & Gelineau tone. CO. Omnes qui in Christo | | |
21. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Two - For the 2nd Day of Christmas: Break forth, O beauteous morning light | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) | |
22. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Ruler of heaven, give ear to our stammer | Bach: Christmas Oratorio | |
23. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part One - For the 1st Day of Christmas: Mighty Lord, O strongest sovereign | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) | |
24. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Ruler of heaven, give ear to our stammer | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) | |
25. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Ruler of heaven, give ear to our stammer | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) | |
26. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part One - For the 1st Day of Christmas: Prepare thyself, Zion | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) | |
27. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Lord, thy mercy, thy forgiveness | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) | |
28. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: I will thee steadfastly cherish | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) | |
29. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Keep thou, my heart now, this most blessed wonder | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) | |
30. | J S Bach | Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part One - For the 1st Day of Christmas: Ah my beloved Jesus-child | Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) | |